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Version: 2.2.3


This menu [Configuration>Object>Metrics] can be used to create custom metrics based on the selected Data Streams and your own Aggregation and Post Aggregation. The system includes several useful predefined metrics that you can use right after installing the system.

The list of metrics is included in a table with the following columns:

  • Name - unique metrics name

  • Streams - data streams used to create metrics

  • Description - metrics description entered by user

  • Privacy - privacy status icon

  • Created By - name of the user who created the Metric

  • Creation Time - creation time

  • Modified By - name of the user who last modified the Metric

  • Modification Time - last modification time

  • Shared - name of the user who shared the Metric

  • Used in - objects in the System where the Metric was used

  • Action

    • Duplicate - creating an editable copy of the selected metric

The predefined fields in the system are not editable but can be duplicated and then edited.

To add a new metric click “New metric” button then the Metrics wizard will appear. In the wizard window there are the following fields:

  • Display name - NQL name

  • Description - short metric description

  • Display name - name of the field in the system (user friendly)

  • Sources - the data stream (or streams) that will be used to create the metric

When creating a metric, you can add multiple data streams.

Use Function switch - OFF

  • Field - field in the selected data source

  • Agreggation - list of mathematical operations to choose from available in the system

    • Avg - returns average of field values.

    • Count - returns count of non empty fields.

    • First - returns value of first field returned.

    • Join - returns concatenated value of fields values

    • Last - returns value of last field returned.

    • Max - returns maximal value.

    • Min - returns minimal value.

    • Percentile - returns value below a X percentage of data falls.

    • Sum - returns sum of values.

    • Unique Count - returns countn of unique non empty fields

Use Function switch - ON

  • Aggr - user-created aggregation

  • Post aggr - post aggregation that can (not required) be created by the user using the values calculated in the aggregation

  • Field - name used in mathematical operations - can be the same as Display Name

  • Numbering Format

    • Currency
    • Date
    • Number
    • Off
  • Privacy - assigning privileges

    • Private - accessible to the owner

    • Public - visible to all, but You can grant permission:

      • DELETE
      • EDIT
    • Shared - accessible to one or more selected User roles. Available privileges are:

      • Delete
      • Edit
      • View